
EU certification

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Huawin Testing Certification (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

+86 0755-28266382


7F,Building A, Shenye U Center, No.743, Zhoushi Road, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, China

Huawin Testing Certification (Dongguang) Co., Ltd.

+86 0769-85880813


3F, Building Jinghe, No.68, Huizhangdong Road, Houjie, Dongguang, China


PPE is short for personal protective equipment. PPE means any device or appliance worn or maintained by an individual in order to protect against one or more hazards damaging to health and safety. It is mainly used to protect employees from serious injury or disease caused by exposure to chemical radiation, electrical equipment, human equipment, mechanical equipment or in some dangerous workplaces. In addition to face masks, safety glass and safety shoes, personal protective equipment includes a large number of respiratory protective equipment, protective clothing, including hard hats, goggles, auditory protectors (earplugs), safety gloves, safety shoes, respirators and seat belts.


Harmonized Standards

EN 15090 fire shoes test standard

EN 61340 electrostatic test standard

EN 13832 resistant to chemicals used in the shoes test

EN 13634 locomotive test standard

EN ISO ISO 20344 labor insurance shoes test method

EN 20345 safety shoes test standard

EN ISO 20346 protection test standard

EN ISO 20347 professional shoes test standard

EN ISO 20349 smelting test standard

EN ISO 17249 saw shoes test standard

EN 420 glove universal test

EN 388 against the requirement of mechanical damage

EN 407 fireproof heat insulation gloves

EN 12477 special welder welding gloves

EN 659 fire fighters special glove

EN 13594 special glove by motorcycle gloves

BS EN 374 chemical prevention and microorganisms Household Oven mitts

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